【時間不同, 景色可以分別很大】@ 波圖
【Different times, different scenery】@ Porto
選擇最佳的時間去旅行可是一門大學問。同一樣的景物, 在好天氣的日子、壞天氣的日子之下, 分別頗大。 而在不同的季節去同一個地方, 可以感受到的風情, 也可以截然不同。
There's a lot of knowledge in choosing the best time to travel Nice and poor weathers make huge differences to the beauty of the same scenery. And when you visit the same place in different seasons, you can have pretty different feelings too.
個人覺得, 每年 4月至10月, 是旅遊葡萄牙的最佳時間。 而從11月到次年3月, 天氣一般較寒冷和風很大 (特別在北方包括波圖等地), 而且因為是雨季, 要有心理準備, 常常下雨, 有時甚至會有暴雨。
Personally, I think May to October each year is the best time to travel to Portugal; whereas from November to March, the weather is usually pretty cold and windy (in particular in the north including Porto). As it is also the rainy season for Portugal, be prepared for many rainy days and even rainstorms.
1) 第一和第三張照片攝於6月後旬.
2) 第二和第四張照片攝於12月未;
Attached are two sets of pictures that I took in Porto:
1) the 1st and 3rd pictures in end of December; and
2) the 2nd and 4th ones in late June.
You may be able to see the big differences.
porto weather march 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳貼文
【旅遊葡萄牙 ~ 機票特惠資訊分享】
【Travelling to Portugal ~ Special flight fares on offer】
最近收到阿聯酋航空 (Emirates Airline) 的新旅遊資訊,在2月10日前預訂機票前往歐洲多地,包括葡萄牙首都里斯本 (Lisbon), 並且在1月27日至6月10日期間出發,飛機票價比平常看來便宜不少! :-)
I recently received new information updates from Emirates Airline. Book flight tickets for many European destinations from Hong Kong by February 10, AND fly between January 27 and June 10, seems that you will be able to save some money! :-)
我於是隨意選兩個非旅遊旺季的時段,試試預訂和查詢價格 (假設一個大約兩星期的葡萄牙行程,來回里斯本,搭乘經濟艙,必須在杜拜轉機),給大家看看我的查詢結果:
In order to check their ticket prices, I randomly picked two non-peak periods and tried to book tickets online on their official website (assuming a 2-week holiday in Portugal, arriving in and departing from Lisbon via Dubai in economy class). Let's have a look at my search results:
1) 27/2 (星期五) 凌晨出發 -- 14/3 (星期六) 下午回程: 來回共HK$7,554/人 (已包所有雜費) (去程轉機等候時間1.5小時,回程轉機等候2小時左右)
2) 10/6 (星期三)凌晨出發 -- 26/6 (星期五)下午回程: 來回共 HK$7,334/人 (已包所有雜費) (去程轉機等候3小時左右,回程轉機等候2小時15分鐘) (選這個時段去葡萄牙,天氣不太熱之餘又可以去觀看著名的《里斯本聖安東尼節》和北上波圖參加《聖約翰節》)
1) Departing HK on 27-February (Friday midnight) -- Departing Lisbon on 14-March (Saturday PM): HK$7,554/person (round trip ticket, including all additional charges) (waiting time in transit is 1.5 hours and around 2 hours respectively in Dubai)
2) Departing HK on 10-June (Wednesday midnight) -- Departing Lisbon on 26-June (Friday PM): HK$7,334/person (round trip ticket, including all additional charges) (waiting time in transit is about 3 hours and 2 hours 15 minutes respectively) (During June, the weather of Portugal is perfect and one can participate in the《Festa de Santo António 》festival in Lisbon and the《Festa de São João do Porto》festival in Porto).
各位來自世界各地的朋友,有興趣的話, 可到 Emirates Airline 官網自己研究研究。
For those of you who are interested in this special offer, you may visit the Emirates Airline website for more details.
porto weather march 在 Porto, Portugal - March weather forecast and climate information 的相關結果
March, the first month of the spring, in Porto, is a comfortable month, with average temperature ranging between max 17.4°C (63.3°F) and min 7.8°C (46°F). ... <看更多>
porto weather march 在 Average weather in March in Porto (Norte Region), Portugal 的相關結果
The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Porto in March is 7.8°C (46.04°F). ... <看更多>
porto weather march 在 Porto, Average Weather March - Portugal 的相關結果
The average temperature is a mild 12°C (54°F), with consistently cool nights at lows of 8°C, and pleasant highs around 16°C. These somewhat radical values are ... ... <看更多>